Sunday, November 8, 2015

Busy Weekend for the Troop!

This was a busy troop this weekend!

First of all, congratulations to Drake Chinn for organizing and running his Eagle Scout project this weekend. The project entailed creating a wetland habitat rehabilitation in the Sammamish Lower Commons Park area. They removed non-native, invasive plants (aka blackberries) and planted a wide verity of native plants that added up to 150 plants total.  According to Drake:  "I had approximately 40 volunteers comprised of scouts and adult members of the troop, members of the Skyline Drama Club, a Cub Scout Pack, as well as members of the general community. ... We also placed 15 gallons of mulch around each plant. Due to the configuration of the park, the mulch was dropped off in the upper parking lot and we had to wheelbarrow the mulch down to the site we were working at. Due to the number of wheelbarrow loads the volunteers walked approximately 40 miles"

Second, the Troop held its annual Webelos Campout this weekend to introduce the Troop to our (hopefully) incoming Webelos.  The campout was held at Fort Casey and, in spite of some rain about dinner time and then later throughout the night, the weather was remarkably cooperative the rest of the time.  Scouts had fun playing Infection on the forts, cooking chili and pasta for dinner, a game of Mafia around the campfire after dinner, a Mountain Man breakfast in the morning, finishing up with another game at the fort and a trip to the beach to see seals and build their own fort out of driftwood.  It was a great outing!  Thanks to Justin and Andrew (and their parents!) for coordinating the hearty dinner and Adam and Blake (and their parents!) for helping us wake up in the morning with breakfast burritos.  We ate very well on this trip!  Click the link below for a few more pictures or go to our Shutterfly site (link above) for a lot more.

Exploring the fort...
Cleaning up after dinner.

Scouts are "asleep" during a game of Mafia

Above the Sound at Fort Casey

Creating their own fort on the beach


The results of rock-hunting
The waves won this time.

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