How Do I...?

Got a question?  Check the list of information below to see if they provide you with the answer you need.  Words in blue are active links to other informational sites or contact information.

Below you will find information on how to:
1.  Join the Troop
2.  Prepare your uniform
3.  Earn rank
4.  Earn a merit badge
5.  Join Order of the Arrow
6.  Pack for a hike
7.  Pack for a backpacking trip


Join the Troop?:  Please click the "Contact Us" link above to send an email request for registration information.


Get my uniform ready to go?
Once you have joined the troop, here is what you will need to get going.  Everything is available at the Scout
Shop in Seattle(3120 Rainier Avenue South) or online at  Click the blue links to see the item in the online store.

Scout Handbook
Scout shirt:  Recommend that scouts get a short sleeve shirt (lots of options on material/style)
World Crest Scout Emblem  (placed above the left pocket)
Chief Seattle Shoulder patch (place at top of left sleeve)
Boy Scout neckerchief slide
Merit Badge Sash
Khaki Troop Number 677 (troop will provide this)
Green Troop neckerchief (troop will provide this)
Pants (suggested, not required)
Hat, belt, socks are all optional.

Not sure where to sew everything on?  Check out these patch guidelines.


Earn Rank?

Earning rank is an important part of being a scout, but this process can seem confusing to incoming scouts and their families.  Ask lots of questions!  All current scouts and leaders are their to guide you through the steps.  If in doubt, ask!

Their are seven ranks in scouts:  Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle.
Scout rank is an introductory rank guiding scouts through the basics of scouting:  Learning the motto, the law, the oath, and handshake, among other things.

Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class teach basics to the scout, including first aide, knots, outdoor skills, plant and animal identification, basic swimming skills, and citizenship.  Scouts are also required to do community service, go camping, cook, and hike to earn these ranks, so both learning and doing are emphasized.

Life and Star ranks emphasize the earning of Eagle and non-Eagle merit badges but also ask the scouts to serve in a position with the troop, continue their community service rolls, and explore more thoroughly what it means to live by the Scout Law.

Eagle is the highest rank a scout can earn in scouts.  In addition to the merit badges, troop jobs, and community service, scouts must plan, organize, fund, implement, complete and present a project that serves a significant benefit to their community.

So How Do You Earn Rank?  Click here for a step-by-step explanation.


Earn a Merit Badge?

Part of the scouting experience is the process of earning Merit Badges, which offers scouts the opportunity to explore different topics that interest them and also some topics that they normally wouldn't explore but might find interesting!

Here is a great Introduction to Merit Badges from the BSA website, which includes a description of the process and a list of all merit badges with links to their descriptions.  Note that silver edged badges are Eagle Required merit badges.

Need a list of our troops merit badge councilors?  Click here.

Click here for a summary of the steps for earning a merit badge.


Join Order of the Arrow?

Order of the Arrow - Elections are held Jan-Mar of each year

The Order of the Arrow is Scouting’s national honor society. Its membership fulfills the Order’s purpose of recognizing those who exemplify Scouting’s values, promoting responsible outdoor adventure, developing young leaders, and crystallizing the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others. 

Established in 1915, the OA emphasizes service to the unit. In this way, Arrowmen give back to their troops with the leadership skills and values of service learned through the Order. The Order’s program complements the troop’s, providing valuable leadership training programs, world-class high adventure opportunities, and exciting national conferences. 

Members of the Order of the Arrow are chosen through an election process at a troop meeting. In order to be eligible for the Order of the Arrow a scout must meet these requirements: 

          1. Be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America. 
          2. Hold the First Class rank of the Boy Scouts of America, as a minimum. 
          3. After registration with a troop or team, have experienced 15 days and nights of Boy Scout camping* during the 
              two-year period prior to the election. 

*Camping requirements: The 15 days and nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term resident camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America. The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps. Cabin camping is not allowed in this total count. 

In order for the election to be valid, we need the majority of our active members in attendance, so it is critical that you attend the election meeting if you can. 

For scouts interested in being elected, please track your camping totals early in case you are short, and verify they are up-to-date with the Advancement Chair. 

For additional Order of the Arrow details, see Alpine District OA Lodge site  


Pack for a hike?

Heading out on a hike, either with the troop or with your family?  Click the link here for packing instructions and guidelines to help keep you and your fellow hikers safe so you can enjoy the hike.


Pack for a backpacking trip?

This troop loves its backpacking trips!  Whether you are trying an overnight hike or testing yourself on a 50-miler, click the link here to get started packing safely for your adventure.  Remember the Scout motto:  Be Prepared!