Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Message for Camp Parsons

One week before we head to camp!  Please review the following info-

- I would like to meet at the QFC parking lot at 7:30 on 7/23 with a goal of departing at 8:00.  This should allow us to make either the 8:55 ferry to Bainbridge or the next one after that.  Either ferry will get us to camp prior to the 1PM check in.

-  We will collect all medications and spending money at the QFC parking lot.  Please have the meds in a zip lock bag and the money in an envelope with both marked with the scouts name.  One of the adult leaders will be responsible  for securing these items at camp.  The "bank"will be open daily.  

-  Remember to wear your red troop shirt.  Those that ordered shirts will receive them prior to departure.

- Pack a lunch and snacks for the first day.  

- We will have a"no cell phone policy" in camp for the scouts.  Cell phone coverage is spotty at best anyway (in case of emergency you can call the camp at 360-796-4427).  I encourage those scouts that use their phones to tell time to buy or borrow a cheap watch for the week.  I will pack a spare to lend to the first scout lost without their phone :) 

-In case you need it, here is the leaders and parent guide that contains important info such as the packing list (don't forget water-shoes and sunscreen!)

Please let me know if you have any questions

Bill Senenko
cell-  201694-6557

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