
Troop 677 is a very active troop and plans numerous activities throughout the year that appeal to a wide-range of interests:

Razor Clamming Campout
Scouts organize several camp outs (i.e., car camping) during the year.  Weather doesn't stop this troop!  They are out rain or shine.  Favorite camp outs include any of the four local forts along the Sound:  Ft. Flagler, Ebey, Casey, and Worden State Parks.  The troop also has an annual family camp out over Memorial Day, a great chance for families and scouts to spend time together.  Scouts are encouraged to plan and organize these camp outs and the troop is always open to new sites and adventures.

Backpacking Trips:
Backpacking the Olympics

Bowron lakes
Bowron lakes
We have some avid backpackers in this troop!  Over the years we have had yearly 50-mile High Adventure backpacking trips organized over a 5–6-day span of time.  Trips have been planned in the Olympic peninsula, the Cascades and around Mt. Rainier.  The Troop will also plan a shorter "Medium Adventure" trip of 25-miles to give scouts an introduction to the backpacking experience.  A good steppingstone to those 50-milers.  Another favorite trip is an 80-mile canoe trip on Bowron Lakes in Canada.  (Want to see a video of the Bowron Lakes and the canoeing opportunities?  Check out this video produced by the company, which includes some of our past scouts!  Bowron Lakes Provincial Park.  The Troop has also had many of its scouts over the years participate in BSA High Adventure camps at Philmont, Sea Base, and Northern Tier. 

Community Service:
Rotary Club Challenge Race
An important part of scouting is giving back to the community through community service projects.  These are scheduled throughout the year and include the annual Scouting for Food project in March, but the troop also pitches in on local clean-up efforts, coordinating dinners for homeless communities, and volunteering their time for our charter organization, the Rotary Club.

Eagle Projects:
Nikki's Eagle project - Little Bit Academy
An extension of the community service aspect of BSA, the troop's eagle candidates develop projects as part of earning ranks that provide a service to the community.  These projects often require lots of hands to complete, giving all the scouts an opportunity to try out different skills and to observe an Eagle project in action, which will help them prepare their own project some day.

Other Activities:
Little Mt. Si hike
Scouts are encouraged to plan a broad range of activities to offer many opportunities to the troop.   Scouts organize Whirleyball and Broomball events, rafting, black smithing, bike rides, and hikes on the numerous trails in our area.

Weekly Meetings:
Troop 677 meets every week during the school year (with the exception of the first Monday of the month which is a planning meeting for the Scout Leaders called a PLC).  Meetings can cover basic scout skills, make progress on merit badges, plan for upcoming events, or celebrate the achievements of their scouts.