Sunday, August 12, 2018

2018 Annual Planning Picnic

Our annual Planning Picnic is fast approaching.  We will be gathering at the Lower Common's Shelter, behind City Hall, on Sunday, August 26th for a potluck lunch.   Please arrive no later than 11 am. We should be done by 2 pm.  Scouts will be brain-storming on activities for the 2018-19 year.  Adults will have time to hear about upcoming activities and discuss plans for the Troop.

If you need sign-offs, we will be holding a session before the picnic (also at the Lower Common's) for Scouts who need rank sign-offs from Camp Parson's or for independent work over the summer.  Older Scouts are needed to do the sign-offs.  This session will start at 10 am, the hour before the picnic.

We have a sign-up sheet going around via email but is also posted on the Shutterfly site.  The Troop will be providing hamburgers, hotdogs and a vegetarian option, along with buns.  Please choose your contribution to the potluck and let us know if your scout will be attending the earlier sign-up session.

Email Matthew if you have any questions...

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